Sabbath School Lesson Topics

1888 Old Testament History Old Testament History The Third Angels Message Second Epistle of Peter
1889 Old Testament History Old Testament History Tithes and Offerings Letter to the Hebrews
1890 Letter to the Hebrews Letter to the Hebrews Old Testament History Old Testament History
1891 Book of James Epistle to the Philippians Gospel by Mark Gospel by Mark
1892 Old Testament History Old Testament History Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles
1893 Word and Spirit Coming of the Lord First Epistle of Peter First Epistle of John
1894 Gospel by Luke Gospel by Luke Gospel by Luke Gospel by Luke
1895 The Sanctuary Book of Daniel Sabbath and Tithing Religious Liberty
1896 The Great Threefold Message Life in Christ and the Saints’ Inheritance Gospel by John Gospel by John
1897 Gospel by John Gospel by John Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles
1898 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles Lessons from Genesis Lessons from Genesis
1899 Life of Christ Life of Christ Life of Christ Life of Christ
1900 Life of Christ Life of Christ Book of Galatians Book of Galatians
1901 Book of Galatians and Malachi The Sanctuary The Sanctuary Parables of Jesus
1902 Parables of Jesus Studies in the Gospel Message Studies in the Gospel Message Studies in the Gospel Message
1903 Lessons from the Psalms Epistles to the Thessalonians Epistles to the Ephesians God’s Kingdom in This World
1904 The Prophecies of Daniel The Seven Seals and the Seven Churches Thoughts on Revelation The Great Threefold Message
1905 Religious Liberty, Health and Temperance Topical Study on the Message Tithes and Offerings Study of the Book of Esther
1906 Topical Studies First Epistle of John Practical of Religion in the Home Agencies of the Plan of Salvation
1907 The Book of Ezra Studies on Bible Election God’s Everlasting Covenant A Synopsis of Present Truth
1908 A Synopsis of Present Truth Great Reform Movement Book of Nehemiah Epistle to the Ephesians
1909 Epistle to the Philippians Life of Christ Life of Christ Life of Christ
1910 Life of Christ Life of Christ Life of Christ Life of Christ
1911 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles
1912 Topical Studies: Doctrinal Points Topical Studies: Doctrinal Points Topical Studies: Doctrinal Points Topical Studies: Doctrinal Points
1913 The Meditation of Christ The Meditation of Christ Studies of Books of Joel and Titus Epistle to the Romans
1914 Epistle to the Romans Epistle to the Romans Second Epistle of Peter Epistle of James
1915 Book of Matthew Book of Matthew Book of Matthew Book of Matthew
1916 Book of Matthew Book of Matthew Book of Acts Book of Acts
1917 Book of Acts Book of Acts Topical Studies: Doctrinal Points Topical Studies: Doctrinal Points
1918 Topical Studies Book of Daniel Book of Revelation Book of Revelation
1919 Studies in the Psalms Fundamental of Christian Life Parables of Jesus The Church: Its Work and Support
1920 Book of Philippians Ministries of Angels Christian Education Bible Studies in Creation
1921 Our Personal Savior Jesus Christ The Work of Christ Union with Christ The Kingdom of Christ
1922 With the Great Teacher Christian Service A Study of Bible Characters A Study of Bible Characters
1923 Epistle of James First Epistle of Peter Second Epistle of Peter The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit
1924 Christian Missions Love to God and LDove to Man The Victorious Life The Christian Life
1925 The Life of Christ The Life of Christ The Life of Christ The Life of Christ
1926 The Life of Christ The Life of Christ The Life of Christ Acts of the Apostles
1927 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles Topical Studies Topical Studies
1928 Epistle to the Ephesians The Life of David The Book of Isaiah The Book of Isaiah
1929 The Book of Isaiah Responsibilities and Blessings of Stewardship God Revealed in the Natural World Old Testament Experiences
1930 Old Testament Experiences Old Testament Experiences Old Testament Experiences Epistle to the Romans
1931 Epistle to the Romans Epistle to the Romans Character Building The Teaching of Jesus
1932 The Teaching of Jesus The Science of Salvation The Stewardship of Life The Lord’s Prayer
1933 Epistle of John The Bible Ministry of Angels Bible Health and Temperance
1934 The Holy Spirit Epistle of Paul to Timothy Exodus and the Advent Movement God’s Greatest Gifts
1935 Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus
1936 Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Bible Doctrines
1937 Bible Doctrines Bible Doctrines Bible Doctrines The Sanctuary
1938 Bible Doctrines Bible Doctrines Books of Ruth and Esther Plan of Salvation
1939 Ministry of Healing Responsibilities and Privileges of Church Fellowship God in Nature Captivity and Restoration of Israel
1940 Studies on the Home God’s Infinite Love The Sure Word of Prophecy Acts of the Apostles
1941 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles Guiding Principles of Life and Growth Christian Experience
1942 Our Lord Shall Come Our Spiritual Relationships Epistle of James Steps in the Christian Walk
1943 Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets
1944 Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets Lessons From Days of Patriarchs and Prophets Lessons from Minor Prophets
1945 Remnant Church Book of Ephesians The Way to Christ Thessalonians and Philemon
1946 Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus
1947 Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Life and Teachings of Jesus Bulwarks of Faith
1948 Bulwarks of Faith Book of Hebrews Book of Hebrews Book of Hebrews
1949 Studies on the Decalogue Messages of Daniel the Prophet Studies in the Book of Revelation Studies in the Book of Revelation
1950 Our Lord’s Prayer Christian Stewardship The Victorious Life Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
1951 Last-Day Events The Finishing of the Work Studies on Creation and Redemption Studies on Creation and Redemption
1952 The Apostle Peter and His Epistles The Apostle Peter and His Epistles The Holy Spirit Lessons From the Experiences of Israel
1953 Three Avenues of Divine Witness Lessons from the Lives of the Patriarchs The Power of the Blood of Jesus Unity in Christ - Lessons from the Lord’s Supper
1954 Christian Life and Service Love Studies in Doctrine Triumphant in Suffering
1955 The Miracles of Jesus The Church: Its Struggles and Victories Redeeming Grace Ministry of Angels
1956 Lessons From the The Gospel Prophet Lessons From the The Gospel Prophet The Life of Christ The Life of Christ
1957 Christian Virtues Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles Lessons from the Acts of the Apostles Lessons from the Lives of Old Testament Prophets
1958 Parables of Jesus Studies in Revelation Christian Ideals New Testament Biographies
1959 Book of Romans God Great Themes of the New Testament Stewardship in its Great Aspects
1960 The Blessed Hope Lessons for Today From the Time of Ezra and Nehemiah Studies in the Law of God Christ-Centered Doctrines
1961 Signs of the Times Righteousness by Faith Lessons From the Gospel of John The Church and Her Youth
1962 The Christian and His Neighbors The Gift of Prophecy Women of the Bible Prayer and Victorious Living
1963 Dynamics of Christians Witnessing Sanctuary Studies Lessons From the Minor Prophets The Final Conflict
1964 Christ in all the Scriptures Selected Lessons From the Psalms The Christian Home and Healthful Living Epistle to the Galatians
1965 Fundamentals of Christian Living When the World was Young Facing Last-Day Deceptions The Church in the Christian Era
1966 Lessons from the Epistles to the Corinthians Christian Virtues People of Promise The Spirit-Filled Life
1967 Studies in the Book of Daniel Selected Lessons on the Life of Christ Joys and Obligations of Christian Stewardship Studies in the Book of Acts - 1
1968 Studies in the Book of Acts - 2 Faith and the Promises of God Studies in the Book of James Lessons from the Lives of OT Prophets
1969 The Crises the Christ Redeeming Grace Divine Commands and Promises Keys of the Kingdom
1970 The Way to Life Eternal Stories of the Master Teacher Christ, the Incomparable To Make Man Whole
1971 Christian Social Behavior Studies in the Epistle to the Ephesians The Church and Its World Mission Home Relations
1972 We Worship God God’s Way of Setting Men Right Christ and the Sabbath Awaiting the Advent
1973 The Christian and Communication A Holy Life in Hard Times Jesus and His People Managing God’s Goods
1974 Christ Our Righteousness News From Jesus - 1 News From Jesus - 2 A Gift From Jesus
1975 God is Like This In the Image of God Faith in Action Jeremiah - A Message for Our Time
1976 Love Challenged and Vindicated God is Not Silent Nurturing Faith in Jesus Worship - A Bible Doctrine
1977 Give Glory to God Jesus the Model Man God’s Chosen People Time of the End
1978 God the Creator The Path of Faith Education for Eternity The Holy Spirit
1979 The Christian Life and Work The Last Hour Be Ready! Our Wonderful God
1980 Redemption in Romans Witness of Jesus Job, Pain and Healing “Happy are Ye!”
1981 The Church - Servant to the World The Church - Home at Last This We Believe - 1 This We Believe - 2
1982 Law, Love and Life Seeking the Glory of God The Christian in the World God’s Great Gift - The Everlasting Covenant
1983 Christ’s All-Atoning Sacrifice These Were Victors Themes in Faith and Salvation Songs of Experience
1984 Some Were Obedient Knowing that We Know God God’s Forgiveness and Love’s Response Jesus Our Mediator
1985 How Christ Meets Human Needs Christ Our Hope Beginnings and Belongings Ideals for Christians
1986 One Lord, One Faith In Full Assurance Heaven Came Down Total Commitment Now
1987 God and Our Destiny Christ and His Infant Church Christ and His Growing Church Ordinary People: Extraordinary Lives
1988 Bound for the Promised Land Lover Never Fails God Reveals His Love, Part 1 (Doctrines) God Reveals His Love, Part 2 (Doctrines)
1989 Leviticus and Life Present Triumph, Future Glory (Revelation Part 1) Present Triumph, Future Glory (Revelation Part 2) Visions of Victory
1990 Call for the Kingdom Christ the Only Way Singing with the Psalmist The Letter to the Romans
1991 Crisis, Change and Challenge (Samuel) Rainbow in the Rain (Ezekiel) Living for His Coming (Thessalonians) Proverbs to Live By
1992 No Time to Lose (Joel, Micah, Zephaniah) From Gloom to Glory (Psalms, 2) A Living Hope (1 Peter) A Song of Love (Song of Solomon)
1993 Look Up and Live (Health) From Tragedy to Triumph Letters to Leaders & Laity God’s Builders (Ezra, Nehemiah)
1994 So Send I You (Soul Winning) Jeremiah / Lamentations Philippians / Colossians Three Angels’ Messages
1995 Great Chapters of the Bible Joshua Enlightened by the Spirit Incarnation of Christ
1996 How to Study Your Bible Judges End-Time Landmarks God’s Family: The Church
1997 Spiritual Gifts 1, 2 and 3 John Parables of Jesus Healing and Restoration
1998 1st Corinthians / The Gospel on the Street Happy Are You! (Recycled) Citizens of the Kingdom 2nd Corinthians / A Call to Christian Ministry Our Wonderful God (Recycled)
1999 Revelation and Inspiration The Nature of Man Creation: Looking at the Biblical Account The Church in Today’s World
2000 Assurance of Salvation The Certainty of the Second Coming Witnessing: Turning the World Upside Down Proverbs (Recycled)
2001 Great Prayers and Pray-ers of the Bible Bible Biographies Pillars of Our Faith The Book of Amos
2002 The Cosmic Conflict Between Christ and Satan Great Apocalyptic Prophesies Rebellion and Reformation Living the Advent Hope
2003 The Everlasting Covenant Forgiveness Sanctuary Themes / Book of Hebrews Jonah
2004 The Gospel of John Isaiah Relationships Daniel
2005 God’s Gift of Immortality Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord: Spiritual Life Ephesians: The Gospel of Relationships
2006 Christian Home The Holy Spirit 1844 Made Simple Beginnings and Belongings
2007 Ecclesiastes Authority of the Bible Old Testament Couples The Refiner’s Fire
2008 Discipleship Wonder of Jesus Agents of Hope: God’s Great Missionaries The Atonement and The Cross of Christ
2009 The Prophetic Gift The Christian Life 1, 2 and 3 John Numbers
2010 The Fruit of the Spirit Health and Healing Redemption in Romans Background Characters in the Bible
2011 Scripture and Human Emotion Garments of Grace Worship Galatians
2012 SDA Doctrines: Glimpses of our God Witnessing / Evangelism 1 & 2 Thessalonians Growing in Christ
2013 Origins Minor Prophets Revival and Reformation The Sanctuary
2014 Discipleship Christ and His Law Teachings of Jesus James
2015 Proverbs Luke Missionaries Jeremiah
2016 Rebellion and Redemption The Book of Matthew The Role of the Church in the Community The Book of Job
2017 The Holy Spirit and Spirituality “Feed My Sheep” First and Second Peter The Gospel in Galatians Salvation by Faith Alone – Book of Romans
2018 Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Preparation for the End Time The Book of Acts Unity in Christ
2019 The Book of Revelation Family Seasons The Least of These Ezra and Nehemiah
2020 Daniel - - -
