Old Testament History

1889 Quarter 1


“SACRED CHRONOLOGY” is a new and revised edition of a little work published by S. Bliss about forty years ago, giving the chronology from creation till the death of the apostle John. The peculiar and valuable feature of this work is that the chronology is established by the Scripture itself. The chronology of the history of the kings of Israel and Judah, as given in Kings and Chronicles, is often a perplexity to the Bible student. In this work, the subject is relieved of all difficulty. The subject is made so plain that it can be very easily understood.

“THE PEOPLING OF THE EARTH” is a series of historical notes on the tenth chapter of Genesis. It gives an outline of the origin and descent of all the principal nations of the earth—the Greeks, the Romans, the Scotch, the Irish, the Welsh, the English, the Germans, the Scandinavians, the Russians, the Chinese, etc., etc. It forms an excellent introduction to universal history. This little book is just the thing for Bible students everywhere—in college, in Sabbath-school, and in the home. Send for a copy; you will find it invaluable.


[From the Christian at Work.]
“This little book is just the thing for Bible students everywhere.”

[From Zion’s Herald.]
“The peculiar and valuable feature of this work is that the chronology is established by the words of the Scripture itself. This is a most valuable work.”

[From the American Baptist.]
“The second part of the volume is devoted to an exposition of Genesis 10, in the light of the world’s history, and is a valuable compendium of the genesis of history, the various peoples and nations of the earth. The whole work is thus one of value to the student and may be used to advantage in comparisons and investigations.”

[From the Golden Censer.]
“To close students of the Bible this book will prove very interesting.”

[From the Advance.]
“It is based wholly on Scripture, and solves clearly many perplexing questions.”

The book contains 300 pages, and is neatly bound and furnished in styles and at prices given below.

Cloth $1 00
Library 1 50
Venetian Morocco, gilt edges. 1 75

Sent post-paid on receipt of price. Address orders to PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO., Oakland, California.
