Old Testament History

1890 Quater 4

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STUDENTS’ 12tI131.2E ‘ S i hIBRARY, -A- SEMI-MONTHLY , ;, ,,,, Lessons for Senior Classes. PUBLICATION 0 0 i ; DEVOTED TO THE

!InVeStigatiOn and Z PUBLISHED FOR PHA ; position of Bible Doctrines. • 1 International Sabbath-Schoot Association, ACI: BY THE

; 40, PACIFIC PRI,ISS PUBLISHINCE CO., ; TERMS’ —-‘ _. $1.50 Ifo . 12th & Castro Sts., 43 Bond Street, f OAKLAND. CAI,. ‘ 1 , 1-M127 YORK. o ,— Per Year. Copyrighted 0890. All Rights Reserved. • . 4’ is. ,.• • •••• 1,,,,,,,,,,,V.N.N.,,,,, N.W.N.NN.W.C .,.. ,,,X,.%,N. , ..,,S.Z.N.,……1WONK

                                  ealtlitzid, Cat.                        Mali' 1, 1890. 1,.....1..,,•,........,a,•.,•,a,,•.a.a.,..,•..,.•.a,a.a.a...•...,a,...,•.....,....,,•..........,.....,r..: ;     number 61.                                   ,

                           Entered at the Post-office in Oakland.                                  1


  1. Bible Sanctification 10 cts. 72. Christ and His Righteous- .20 64
  2. Abiding Sabbath LICS8 15 cts.
  3. Views of Nat’al Reform…15 “ 73. Can We Keep the Sab-
  4. ‘1 he Saints’ Inheritance..10 “ 134th? 2 “
  5. Scripture References 4 “ 74. The Counterfeit and the
  6. The Sufferings of Christ 4 “ Genuine. 2 “
  7. t-hrist in the Old Test.. 2 “ t75. Living by Faith 2 “ 76. Bible Questions and An- swers Concerning Man 2 “
  8. Is Sunday the Sabbath?.. 1 “ 77. The Talent ….. .. 2 “
  9. The Sanctuary and the 79. Baptism: Its Significance 2 “ Judgment 2 “ 80. Sunday: Origin of Its Ob-
  10. The Sabbath in. the New servance in the Chris- Testament 2 “ tian Church. .. …..15 “
  11. The Bible: Its Inspira- 81. God’s Message for To-day 1 “ Lion and Importance… 2 “ 83. Angels: Their Nature 3L The Second Advent 4 “ and Ministry 20 44
  12. God’s Memorial 2 “ 85. Twofold Evidence of Ac-
  13. The Temporal Millen- ceptance with God 1 “ nium- 3 “ 86. Justification,Regeneration
  14. The Signs of the Times 3 “ Sanctification. By M.
  15. Elihu on the Sabbath 2 “ C. Wilcox 2 66
  16. The Ten Commandments 2 4t. 90. The Bible Doctrine of the 2 44 Not Revised Trinity
  17. Without Excuse. 1 “ 93. Christian Science-Is It
  18. Thoughts for the Candid.. 1 “ Science? Is it Christian?15 “
  19. Which Day Do You Keep 95. From Sabbath to Sunday 1 “ and Why? 1 “ 97. Sun of Righteousness-10 “
  20. Can We Know? 1 “ 99. Prediction,Interpretation,
  21. Is the End Near? 1 “ Fulfillment 2 “
  22. Is Man Immortal? 1 “ 100. Seducing Spirits…. ….. I “
  23. Why Not Found Out Be- 101. The Rest that Remains fore 1 “ for the People of God.. 1 “
  24. The Sabbath and the 20 a, 103. Should Christians be Law Members of Secret So-
  25. Nature and Obligation cieties? By Mrs. White, 3 “ Sabbath Fourth Com.10 “ 104. Justification by Faith.
  26. Order of Events in the By Mrs. E. G. White… 2 “ Judgment 5 “• 105. The Way to Christ. By
  27. Tent Meeting Lessons on Mrs. E. G. White 2 “ “The Life of Christ”.. 2 “ 107. Who Changed the Sab- i
  28. Matthew 24 or the Second bath (new)? 3 “ Coming of Christ,” 10 ‘6 108. Life: Its Source and Par-
  29. Tent Meeting Lessons on pose 10 “ “Prophecy” ….. …….. 2 “ 110. Appeal to Methodists 1 “
  30. Tent Meeting Lessons on 111. Tormented Forever and “Sin and Righteous- Ever 2 44 ness” 1 “ 112. Spiritualism: Its Source
  31. The sure Foundation and and Character . 3 Keys of the Kingdom 2 “ 113. The Christian Sabbath… 4
  32. The Full Assurance of 114. The Identical Seventh Faith 2 “ Day 2
  33. The Great Day of the 115. Waymarks to the Holy 6 City Lord 5 “ 2
  34. Bible Election 3 “ 116. S. S. Lessons on Luke,
  35. The Old Testament in the New Dispensation . 3 “ 117. Prophetic Lights. Dias-
  36. “Jewish.” Christians Are trated, 180 pp 50 Israelites Indeed, 1 “ 118. Christ Tempted as We
  37. Immortality of the Soul, 4 “ Are 2 44 *71. Righteousness: Where It *Also in Spanish and Portuguese. Is, and How Obtained, 1 “ t Also in Spanish.

       Aggress, Pacific Press PiggiNigie CO., 00k10110, COI.


            -LAIESSCOINT        I.
    1. WHAT is sin? I John 3:4.
    2. Of what law is sin the transgression? Rom. 7=7•
    3. What law says, “ Thou shalt not covet “? Ex. zo: 3-17.
    4. How much that is not right is sin, or trans- gression of the law? i John 5: 17.
    5. With how much of a man’s life does the la it have to do? Eccl. 12: 13, 14.
    6. How many have sinned? Rom. 3:9-12, 23.
    7. Whence comes the evil that appears in the lives of men? Mark 7:21-23; James I: 14.
    8. What is the inevitable result of sin? James 1: 15; Rom. 6:23.
    9. Is it natural for a man to obey the law? Rom. 8:7.
    10. Can a man, then, justify himself? Rom. 3: 20. t. What kind of righteousness is that which springs from ourselves? Isa. 64: 6.
    11. With all the efforts of the natural man, what is it impossible to do? Rom. 8: 8.
    12. What is necessary in order to please God? Heb.11:6. . 14. In what must we have faith? Rom. 3: 23- 26.
    13. Why must we have thith in the blood of Jesus? t John i : 7; Acts 4: 12. (3) 4 JUSTIFICATION’ B7 FAITH.
  38. What saying is worthy of all acceptation? I Tim. 1: 15.
  39. What shows our desire for righteousn -ss and our faith in Christ? I John t: 9.
  40. What is the only righteousness that will stand in the last day? Phil. 3: 9.
  41. When a man gets tired of his filthy rags (Isa. 64: 6) and wants to be rid of them, what does the Lord do? Zech. 3: 3-5.
  42. What may a person then say? Isa. 61: 10.

         LESSON IL
 1. WHAT is the meaning of the word " justifi-  cation "? Ans. —"A showing to be just, or con-  formable to law; " making or declaring righteous.
 2. Who are the just before God? Rom. 2: r3.
 3. Then how shall we understand Rom. 3: 20?  Am.—Thus: No flesh can be justified by the deeds  of the law, because all have violated it (Rom. 3: 1 9),  and it is impossible for any flesh to keep the law. •Rom. 8: 7, 8.
 4. How, then, can we be made righteous?  Rom. 3:25.
 5. In what condition are men before they are  justified by grace? Eph. 2 : 1.
 6. How does God regard sin? Hab. 1: 13.
 7. Yet how does he regard men even while they  are sinners? Eph. 2: 4, 5; John 3: 16.
 8. By what is it, then, that we are justified?  Titus 3: 5-7.
 9. Since there is no good thing in man by nat-  ure, what may be said of one who trusts in him-.  self? Pros,. 28: 26.
10. For whose benefit did Christ once speak  parable? Luke 18: n


   What two men went into the temple to pray? Verse 1o.   12. How did the Pharisee pray? Verses II, 12.   13. What was the prayer of the publican? Verse 13.   14. What were the two features of his prayer? fins.—Confession of sin, and asking for mercy.   15. Which of the two went home justified? Verse 14.   16. If one asks mercy from God, what will he receive? Matt. 7: 7—11.   17. What is mercy? Ans.—" Disposition to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves."   18. How great is God's mercy? Ps. 36: 5; io8: 4; io3: 11.    19. For whose sake does the Lord pardon sin? Isa. 43: 25.

           POWER OF FAITH.    1. Ai Jesus was going to the house of a ruler, who came behind him? Matt. 9: 20.    2. How firm a hold had the disease upon her? Luke 8:43.    3. What did she now do? Matt. 9 : 20.    4. Why did she do this? Verse 21.    5. What took place as soon as she touched his garment? Luke 8: 44.    6. What question did Jesus immediately ask? Verse 45.    7. Why did this question astonish the disciples? —lb .
8. What shows that the woman's touch was dif- ferent from the accidental touch of persons in the crowd? Verse 46.


9. What d:d the woman then do? Verse 47    10. What did Jesus say to her? Verse 48.
1. What does this miracle show? Ans.—The power of faith.    12. For what purpose were Christ's miracles re- corded? John 20 : 3o, 31.   13. What miracle shows plainly that the miracles of healing were to manifest Christ's power to cleanse from sin, in answer to faith? Matt. 9: 2-7.   14. When Jesus healed the blind man near Jeri- cho, what did he say to him? Luke 18 : 42.   15. What did he also say to the sinful woman who showed great love for him? Luke 7: 48, 5o.   16. Could the afflicted woman mentioned in Luke 8: 43-48 have healed herself?    17. Could the sinful woman mentioned in Luke 7: 37-5o any more have cleansed herself from sin?   18. What does Christ say to all who are bur- dened with sin? Matt. II : 28, 3o.    19. Then how should we respond?
      ust as I am, without one plea
      ut that thy blood was shed for me,
     And that thou hidst me come to thee,
     O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
    "Just as I am; and waiting not
      To rid my soul of one dark blot;
      To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
      O Lamb of God, I come, I come."

          LESSON TV.

i. WHO was present as Jesus was talking in a- synagogue one Sabbath? Luke 13: to, i 1.

  1. What did he say to the afflicted one? Verse 12. DELIVERANCE FROM BONDAGE.
3. As soon as he laid his hands on her, what re- sulted? Verse 13.
4. Who accosted Peter and John on a certain occasion, as they were entering the temple? Acts 3: 1-3.
5. How long had the man been unable to walk? Verse 2; 4: 22.
6. When the man looked on the disciples, ex- pecting alms, what did Peter say? Acts 3: 6.
7. What was the result? Verses 7, 8.
8. How were the people who knew the man af- fected by this miracle? Verses 9-11.
g. Whom did Peter then begin to preach to the people? Verses 12-15.    10. Speaking of Christ, how did he say the lame man had been healed? Verse 16.
1. How are sinners like the woman who was bound so that she could not lift herself up? Ps. 40: 12.    12. What binds them? Prov. 5 : 22.   13. In what respect are all men in the condition of the man who was impotent from birth? Rom. 7 : 18; Gal. 5: 17; Ps. 51:5.    24. In what condition are all sinners? John 8: 34; Heb. 2:15; 2 Peter 2 : 19.    15. How was the crooked woman made straight? Luke 13 : 12, 13.    16. HOW was the impotent man made strong? Acts 3: 16.    17. For what purpose were these miracles re- corded? John 20: 30. 31.    18 What is the special work of Christ? Isa. 61: I.    19. What power does he exert over sin? Micah 7: 18, 19.    20. What is necessary in order to gain the bless- ing of the Spirit? Luke II: 9-13.    21. What can one say who, having asked in simple faith, has received? Ps, 4o: 1-3.


          LESSIC)TV          V.
 I. WHO came against Israel in the days of Jehoshaphat? z Chron. 20: 1, 2.
2. What did the king and the people do .c Verses 3, 4.
3. With what recognition of God's power and goodness did Johoshaphat begin his prayer? Verses 6, 7.
4. What evidence have we that only by such prayers can we please God? Heb. It: 6.
5. After recounting God's power and goodness, and the evil designs of the enemy, what acknowl- edgment and request did Jehoshaphat make? 2 Chron. 20: I 2.
6. Upon whom did he say the eyes of Israel were fixed         last clause.
7. What does God say to all? Isa. 45:22.
8. How did the Lord answer Jehoshaphat's prayer? 2 Chron. zo: 14, 15, 17.
9. As the Israelites went forth early in the morning, what did Jehoshaphat say to them? Verse 20.    10. After consulting with the people, what did he do? Verse 21.
    What took place as soon as they began to sing•and praise? Verse 22.    I 2. What did the Israelites show by their singing and praising as they went out to meet the enemy? Ans.—That they believed the promise of the Lord that he would fight for them.    13. Of what scripture, then, was this event an illustration? t John 5: 4.    T4. Have we similar promises that God will fight for us in our battles with sin? Ps. 34 : 7; 37:4-6; 5o: 15.    T5. What does the divine power of Christ bring to us? 2 Peter 1: 3.


  1. What do these precious promises do for us? Verse 4.
  2. But in order for these promises to be of any profit to us, what must we do? 2 Chron. 20: 20, last part.
  3. And if we believe God’s promises, with what will our prayers be accompanied? Phil. 4: 6.
  4. Who are they who glorify God? Ps. 5o: 23. 20: What two exhortations, then, should we keep if we would always do the will of God? Eph. 6: to; Phil. 4: 4.
  5. If we thus rejoice in the Lord, what will be the result? Phil. 4: 6, 7.

         THE LOVE OF GOD.
      I. IN what does the Lord delight? Micah 7: 18.
    2. How is his mercy continually manifested? Lam. 3: 22, 23.
    3. Is his mercy limited to any special class? Acts 17 : 25; Matt. 5 44, 45.
    4. How has mankind repaid him for his love? Rom. 3:23; Isa. 1:4-6.
    5. While all men were in this condition, how did God still further show his love for them? John 3:16; Rom. 5: 8.
    6. Is there any difference between the love of the Father and that of the Son? John to: 3o; 14: 11.
    7. Of what was Christ's earthly ministry a man- ifestation? 2 Cor. 5 : 19.
    8. Into what relationship to God does his love bring us, if we accept it? I John 3: I


9. What is given us to show that we are sons? Rom. 8: 14-16.    10. What is the witness of the Spirit that God accepts us as his children? Ans.—His word, which his Spirit inspired.
 . What does the Holy Spirit beget in: the hearts of those who receive it? Rom. 5: 5.    12. If the love of God is shed abroad in the heart, what effect will it have? i John 3 : 16; 4: 1 t.    13. How much should Christians love one an- other? John 15: 12; 1 John 3: 16.    14. What exhortation is based on Christ's love for us? Eph. 5: 2.    15. If we have the love of God, will we love only those who love us? 1 John 4 : to; Matt. 5: 43-46.    16. Why do we love God? 1 John 4 : 19.    17. Did he first love us because of our goodness? Titus 3: 3-6; Eph. 2: 1-6.    18. Why does God thus send his blessing upon us? Acts 3: 26.    19. What may we expect if we are children of God? Heb. 12:6-8; Rev. 3:19.    20. From what God has done for us, of what may we be sure? Rom. 8:32.    21. What is God's love able to do when ene- mies curse? Deut 23:5.    22. How enduring is God's love? Jer. 31: 3.    23. Can anything turn this love aside? Rom. 8: 38, 39.    24. Then, trusting in his love, how confident may we be of victory? Verse 37.
