Lesson 8 — Daniel That Was and Daniels That May Be.

February 25, 1905.


  1. Relate briefly the events leading up ‘to the experiences of Daniel and his companions. Dan. 1 :1-4.

    “There shall be delay no longer” — our confidence.

  2. What was the test brought to bear upon these Hebrew children ? Verses 5-7.
  3. What request did they make? Verses 8-13.
  4. With what result? Verses 14-20.
  5. What training did Daniel and his companions have as a preparation for this experience? Deut. 4:8-10; 6:6-9, 20-25. See, also “Education”, pages 54-56.
  6. Relate an experience in the life of the three companions of Daniel which showed the results of their loyalty to principle and regard for God’s Word. Daniel 3.
  7. In the life of Daniel. Chapter 6.
  8. In these experiences, did they receive a special zeal just at the moment which enabled them to stand? Dan. 6 :10, last clause.
  9. When are habits of self-control best acquired? Prov. 22:6. Note 1.
  10. What lessong can we learn from the life of Daniel? Rom. 15:4. Note 2.
  11. What similarity can you see between the moral conditions of the people among whom the youthful Daniel lived in Babylon and the conditions surrounding the youth today ?
  12. If careful, prayerful training in principles of strict temperance and obedience to God’s law brought such results in the lives of Daniel and his companions, what may we expect to see now is a similar course is followed?
  13. Is there hope for sturdy, reliable recruits for the Lord’s army as His people live and teach the principles of true health reform?

    “One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period.”

  14. What testimony is left by the great apostle Paul? 1 Cor. 9:27.


  1. There is now an urgent call for strong young people to take an active part in the work God has given to His people. Not only the youth, but even children will be called upon to bear an important part in _the closing work. See Testimonies, Vol. VI, pages 202, 203.
  2. “Those who will not eat and drink from principle will not be guided by principle in other things.” — Health. Reformer. “To make plain natural law, and urge obedience to it, is the work that accompanies the Third Angel’s Message to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord.”—Testimonies, Vol. III, page 161. “Parents should seek to awaken in their children an interest in the study of physiology. Youth need to be instructed in regard to their own bodies. . . . If parents themselves would obtain knowledge upon this subject, and felt the importance of putting it to a practical use, we should see a better condition of things. Teach your children to reason from cause to effect. Show them that if they violate the laws of their being they must pay the penalty by suffering… Recklessness in regard to bodily health tends to recklessness in morals. Do not neglect to teach your children how to prepare healthful food. In giving them these lessons in physiology, and in good cooking, you are giving them the first steps in some of the most useful branches of education, and inculcating principles which are needful elements in a religious education.”—Christian Temperance, page 71
