MARCH 2, 1889.


  1. WHAT inconvenience did the children of Israel suffer soon after they crossed the Red Sea? Ex. 15:23.
  2. How did they act? Verse 24.
  3. How did the Lord give them relief? Verse 25.
  4. What promise did the Lord then give the people? Verse 26.
  5. When they came to the Wilderness of Sin, what wicked charge did they bring against Moses and Aaron? Ex. 16:1-3.
  6. What did the Lord say he would do to satisfy their hunger? Verse 4.
  7. What test did he say this would be for them? —Ib.
  8. When were they told that they should receive food? Verses 6-8, 12.
  9. What kind of flesh did they have at even? Verse 13.
  10. In the morning when the dew was gone what did they find? Verses 14, 15.
  11. Describe the manna. Num. 11:7.
  12. How did they prepare it, and how did it taste? Verse 8.
  13. How much were they to gather for each person? Ex. 16:16.
  14. How was it if some gathered too much or not enough? Verses 17, 18.
  15. What practical lesson does the apostle Paul draw from this? 2 Cor. 8:13-15.
  16. What took place if they tried to keep the manna till the next day? Ex. 16:19, 20.
  17. On the sixth day what did they do? Verse 22.
  18. What instruction had they received on this point? Verse 5.
  19. What did Moses say to them on that day? Verse 23.
  20. Did any manna fall on the Sabbath? Verse 26.
  21. How were they provided with food on that day? Verses 23, 24, 29.
  22. What did some of the people do on the seventh day? Verse 27.
  23. What reproof did the Lord give them? Verse 28.
  24. How long did the children of Israel eat the manna? Verse 35.
  25. Show how they could not by any possibility have made a mistake in regard to the Sabbath in that time.
  26. In giving the manna, what purpose did God effect besides supplying the children of Israel with food?
  27. What does the psalmist say this manna was? Ps. 78:24, 25.
  28. Of what was it a type? John 6:48-51, 58.
