FEBRUARY 23, 1889.


  1. WHEN the king of Egypt found that the Israelites had actually gone, how did he feel? Ex. 14:5.
  2. What did he do? Verses 6, 7.
  3. Had the Lord foretold this action on the part of Pharaoh? Verses 1-4.
  4. Where did Pharaoh and his army overtake the Israelites? Verse 9.
  5. When. the Israelites saw the Egyptians, how did hey feel? Verse 10.
  6. How did they show their lack of faith in God? Verses 11, 12.
  7. What words of courage did Moses speak? Verses 13, 14.
  8. What did the Lord say to him? Verses 15, 16.
  9. What did he say that the Egyptians would do? Verse 17.
  10. How did the Lord protect the Israelites through the night? Verses 19, 20.
  11. What way of escape did he prepare for them? Verses 21, 22, 29; Ex. 15:8.
  12. When the Egyptians followed them into the sea, what did the Lord do? Ex. 14:23-28; 15:9, 10.
  13. What was it that enabled the Israelites to cross the sea? Heb. 11:29.
  14. What effect did this deliverance have upon the people of Israel? Ex. 14:30, 31.
  15. After such exhibitions of God’s power and his care for them, ought they ever to have feared again?
  16. Why were all these things written? Rom. 15:4.
  17. What song did Moses and the children of Israel sing after their deliverance? Read Ex. 15:1-21.
  18. After the seven last plagues are poured upon the wicked, what song will the delivered sing? Rev. 15:2, 3.
  19. Repeat the substance of this song. Rev. 15:3, 4.
