FEBRUARY 2, 1889.


  1. TELL, in their order, what plagues were brought upon the land of Egypt because Pharaoh would “not let Israel go?
  2. State the particulars of how God discriminated between his people and the Egyptians?
  3. What was the last plague? Ex. 11:4-6.
  4. How safe were the Israelites to be? Verse 7.
  5. Before this plague was inflicted, what instruction did the Lord give his people? Ex. 12:1—10.
  6. What was this feast declared to be? Verse 16
  7. What were they to do with the blood of the lamb? Verses 21, 22.
  8. Why were they to do this? Verses 13, 23.
  9. What did this simple act indicate? Ans. — Faith in God.
  10. What took place at midnight? Ex. 12:29, 30.
  11. What part of the previous record warrants us in believing that the Egyptians might have availed themselves of the protection afforded the Israelites? Ex. 9:20, 21.
  12. Of what was the lamb whose sprinkled blood saved the Israelites from death, a type? I Cor. 5:7.
  13. From what are we saved by His blood? Rom. 5:8, 9; Gal.1:4.
  14. Just before God’s people are finally delivered from this evil world, what will come upon the earth? Rev. 15:1; 16:1.
  15. Which of the seven last plagues will be similar to the plagues upon Egypt? See Rev. 16.
  16. Mention some of the things that are said as to the trouble of that day? Dan. 12:1; Isa. 2:20, 21; 13:6, 7, 9; 24:1, 3-6, 17-21.
  17. What distinction will God then put between his servants and the wicked? Ps. 91:1-10.
