JANUARY 19, 1889.


  1. RELATE what we have already learned of the work of Pharaoh’s magicians.
  2. What have we learned that they could not do?
  3. What was the second plague that was Brought on the land of Egypt?
  4. When this plague was stayed, did Pharaoh keep his promise? Ex. 8:12-15.
  5. What was the next plague? Verses 16, 17.
  6. Could the magicians repeat this miracle? Verse 18:.
  7. What were they forced to acknowledge to Pharaoh? Verse 19, first part.
  8. In so saying, what did they virtually admit concerning their own work?
  9. What does Paul say will be the character of men in the last days? 2 Tim. 3:1-4.
  10. Among what people will this wickedness exist? Verse 5.
  11. What will this sort of people do? Verses 6, 7.
  12. How will they resist the truth? Verse 8.
  13. What other prophecy have we of miracles to be wrought for the purpose of deceiving? Rev. 13:13, 14.
  14. What did the Saviour say on this point? Matt. 24:24.
  15. By what agency are these lying miracles wrought? Rev. 16:14.
  16. What name is given to those who in this age do the work which the ancient magicians and sorcerers did? - Ans.—Spiritualist mediums.
  17. Is there now any indication that the deceptions of Spiritualism will find a place among those who profess godliness? See notes.
  18. What does Paul say of those who shall resist the truth by their lying wonders? 2 Tim. 3:9.
  19. How was the folly of Pharaoh’s magicians made manifest? Ex. 8:18, 19; 9:10, 11.


IT is evident that wherever the principles of Spiritualism are held, whatever manifestations may accompany it will sooner or later be accepted. That almost the whole professedly Christian world is fast getting.into a position to readily receive of heavenly origin all the deceptions of Spiritualism, is evident from the following extracts, which show how universally the principles of modern Spiritualism are held.

In September 1885, Monsignor Capel, the celebrated Roman Catholic propagandist, delivered a lecture in San Francisco, concerning Spiritualism, of which the S. F. Chronicle, of September 7, gave a report, in which it was said:—

“Monsignor Capel denied that he had expressed a disbelief in Spiritualism. He had simply left out of the category of possible supernatural manifestations all biological phenomena. Aside from these, Spiritualism was but a misrepresentation of Catholic teaching, and it had been in the world from the beginning.”

He said, further, that to Catholics the spirit world was as clear as the light of a gas jet; that the dead were but disembodied spirits, with whom they were in daily communication, and to whom they prayed. Thus the great Roman Catholic Church is essentially at one with Spiritualism.

The Sunday School Times of August 29, 1885, had a long editorial entitled, “What Our Dead Do for Us,” in which the following occurred, among much more of the same nature:-

“Much of the best work of the world is done through the present, personal influence of the dead. … As a practical fact, and as a great spiritual truth, our dead do for us as constantly and as variously as they could do for us if they were still here in the flesh; and they do for us very much that they could not do unless they were dead.”

“Our living friends do much for us, but perhaps our dead friends do yet more.”

The New York Christian Advocate of September 8, 1887, contained an article on the death of Dr, Daniel Curry, in which it was said:-

“But he is not gone. We will not say ‘Goodbye’ to him. We will keep him among us still. Reserve that seat in the front pew of the conference. Let the old place be kept sacred. He was not the man to leave his friends. In the thick battle, in the time of danger or holy communion, in the solemn hour of crisis, he will be there. ‘Are they not ministering spirits? ‘”

The Christian Union of November 3, 1887, contained a sermon preached by Dr. Henry M. Field (Presbyterian) at Cornell University, in which he said:—

“Oh, may the dead ever be with us, walking by our side, taking us by the hand, smoothing the cares from the troubled brow, and pointing us upward to the regions of everlasting light and peace.”

Many similar passages could be quoted from representatives of all denominations.

THE folly of Pharaoh’s magicians was made manifest by their inability to counterfeit all the miracles which Moses performed. So, says Paul, it will be with the last-day wonder-workers. Satan, through his agents, as well as in person, will “show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matt. 24:24. The miracles which in the past have been given as proof of the power of God, and the signs of the coming of the Lord, will be counterfeited. But they will be cut short in their deceptive career, by mighty wonders which will strike terror to their hearts. The mountains and islands will be moved out of their places, the earth shall be turned “ upside down,” the heavens shall depart as a scroll when it is rolled together, and as the deceivers vainly seek for the rocks to hide them from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, they will be forced to ac. knowledge that “this is the finger of God.”
