MARCH 30, 1889.


  1. How many plagues came upon Egypt because of Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go?
  2. How many of these were imitated by the magicians?
  3. What effect did the work of the magicians have upon Pharaoh?
  4. What similar thing will take place in the last days?
  5. What power is behind all opposition to the truth? John 8:44.
  6. What was the character and disposition of Pharaoh?
  7. What effect did the plagues have upon him?
  8. How was he confirmed in his obstinacy?
  9. State the instances in which God showed his special care for his people.
  10. When, how, and why was the passover instituted?
  11. Of what was the deliverance from Egypt a type? Ans.—Of the deliverance of God’s people from the bondage of sin and this wicked world, to the heavenly Canaan.
  12. Show that Christ was the real leader of the Israelites.
  13. Relate the circumstances of the giving of the law.
  14. Why was the law given amid such terrible majesty?
  15. What is the only other event that can compare with the giving of the ten commandments?
  16. What great wickedness did the Israelites do while Moses was in the mount with God?
  17. What was the nature of their idolatry?
  18. What form of idolatry has from the earliest ages drawn men from the worship of God?
