MARCH 9, 1889


  1. RELATE the instances already learned, in which God miraculously interposed to deliver his people.
  2. After all these deliverances, how should they have felt?
  3. Into what straits were they brought in their next encampment, after the giving of the manna? Ex. 17:1.
  4. What did they do? Verse 2.
  5. With what did they again charge Moses? Verse 3.
  6. What were they about to do to him? Verse 4.
  7. Against whom were they really murmuring? Verse 2, last part.
  8. What doubt was indicated by their murmuring? Verse 7.
  9. What did they thereby virtually say about the wonderful miracles that they had witnessed?
  10. How did the Lord provide for them on this occasion? Ex. 17:5, 6.
  11. What graphic description does the psalmist give of this? Ps. 78:15, 16.
  12. Of what was their drinking water from the rock an emblem? 1 Cor. 10:4.
  13. What kind of water does Christ give? John 4:10.
  14. What will it do for the one who drinks it? Verse 14.
  15. While the Jews were at Rephidim, what other trouble did they have? Ex. 17:8.
  16. Relate what followed. Verses 9-13.
  17. What was shown by this circumstance? Ans. —That they were delivered, not by their own strength, but by the direct interposition of God.
  18. What does the prophet Isaiah say of God’s tender care for them? Isa. 63:9.
  19. What beautiful illustration is given to show how the Lord carried them? Deut. 32:11, 12.
  20. Of what may the people of God always be assured? Deut. 33:25-27.
