Lesson 8

August 25, 1888.


  1. WHAT Government have we proved to be represented by the second beast of Rev. 13?
  2. What power is to be exercised by this beast? Verse 12, first clause.
  3. For what purpose does he use this power? Remainder of the same verse.
  4. What is said by him to them that dwell on the earth? Verse 14, last part.
  5. What power is represented by the first beast? Ans. — The Papacy.
  6. What have we found to be the great characteristic of the Papacy? Ans. — The union of Church and State — the Church using the power of the State for the furtherance of its own aims.
  7. For what then are we to look in this nation? Ans. — For the religious power to exalt itself to that place where it shall dominate the civil, and employ the power of the State for the furtherance of its own ends.
  8. Is there any effort even now being made in this direction? Ans. — Yes, a large and influential organization is working to this very end.
  9. What is this organization called? Ans. — The National Reform Association.
  10. What, according to their own words, is the object of the association? Ans. — “To secure such an amendment to the Constitution of the United States as shall suitably express our national acknowledgment of Almighty God as the source of all authority in civil government; of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Ruler of nations; and of his revealed will as of supreme authority; and thus indicate that this is a Christian nation, and place all the Christian laws, institutions, and usages of the Government on an undeniable legal basis in the fundamental law of the land.”
  11. Of what does the organization consist in itself? Ans. — Of a president, the names of about one hundred and twenty vice-presidents, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a treasurer, seven district secretaries (at present), and the Reformed Presbyterian Church as a body.
  12. Who are some of the prominent men actively engaged in favor of it? Ans. — Joseph Cook, Herrick Johnson, D.D; Julius H. Seelye, president of Amherst College; Bishop Huntington, of New York; Hon. Wm. Strong, ex-justice of the United States Supreme Court, and many others.
  13. Of what other important bodies has it gained the support? Ans. — The “principal” churches, the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, and the Prohibition party in many States.
  14. What was the prevailing theory of the church leaders in the time of Constantine? Ans. — “The theocratical theory.”
  15. What is the theory of the National Reformers? Ans. — “Every government by equitable laws, is a government of God; a republic thus governed is of him, and is as truly and really a theocracy as the commonwealth of Israel.” — Cincinnati National Reform Convention, p. 28. “A true theocracy is yet to come, [and] the enthronement of Christ in law and law-makers, hence I pray devotedly as a Christian patriot, for the ballot in the hands of women.” — Monthly Reading, W. C. T. U.
  16. What had the church leaders determined to do in the days of Constantine? Ans. — “To make use of the power of the State for the furtherance of their own aims.”
  17. What have these in our day determined to do? Ans. — The same thing.
  18. What came of that in the fourth century? Ans. — The Papacy.
  19. What will come of this in the nineteenth century? Ans. — The image of the Papacy.
  20. Of what other bodies is the National Reform Association diligently working to secure the support? Ans. — The workingmen and the Catholic Church.
  21. What does this association say of the Catholic Church? Ans. - “We cordially, gladly, recognize the fact that in the South American republics, and in France and other European countries, the Roman Catholics are the recognized advocates of national Christianity, and stand opposed to all the proposals of secularism. … Whenever they are willing to co-operate in resisting the progress of political atheism, we will gladly join hands with them. In a World’s Conference for the promotion of National Christianity — which ought to be held at no distant day — many countries could be represented only by Roman Catholics.” — Christian Statesman, December 11, 1884.
  22. What are all Catholics commanded by the Pope to do? Ans. — “All Catholics should do all in their power to cause the constitutions of States and legislation to be modeled on the principles of the true church; and all Catholic writers and journalists should never lose sight, for an instant, from the view of the above prescription.” — Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII., 1885.
  23. Then is not the National Reform Association aiming to form a government modeled after the principles of the Papacy?
  24. Then, if professed Protestants under the leadership of the National Reform Association succeed in this, what will there be erected in this Government? Ans. — An image of the Papacy.
