Lesson 15

October 13, 1888.


  1. WHAT will be said to the people just before the Lord comes? Isa. 8:19, with verse 17.
  2. What is the object of their seeking unto them that have familiar spirits? Ans. - To obtain communication with the dead. Verse 19, last part.
  3. What is that doctrine called? Ans. - Spiritualism.
  4. Do the dead know anything? Eccl. 9:5, 6.
  5. What are the familiar spirits which these persons have, and with which men are invited to communicate? Rev. 16:14.
  6. What have we found to be one great object of these miracles and lying wonders? Rev. 13:14.
  7. What does this prove? Ans. - That Spiritualism will act a most important part in making the image to the beast, and enforcing the worship of the beast and his image.
  8. When the National Reformers secure their National Constitutional acknowledgment, what do they expect? Ans. - “Let us acknowledge God as our Father and Sovereign, and Source of all good, and his blessing will be upon us. Crime and corruption will come to an end, and the benign reign of Jesus, our rightful Lord, will be established.” “ Either like them [the Jews] we will reject him and perish, or, becoming a kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, we shall fill the earth and endure forever.” “And when we reach the summit … the train will move out into the mild yet glorious light of millennial days, and the cry will be raised, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ.’” - New York National Reform Convention, 1873, pp. 49, 75, 47.
  9. When they shall have set up what they call his kingdom, what then do they expect? Ans. - “When we finish our testimony, then Christ will come and finish his work.” - Secretary J. M. Foster, in Reformed Presbyterian and Covenanter, December, 1887, p. 403.
  10. By whom will there be great signs and wonders wrought to deceive? Matt. 24:24.
  11. Who will finally manifest, and work with, all power? 2 Thess. 2:8.
  12. As these great wonders are to be wrought by false christs, and as Satan is to work the greatest of them, then in what form will Satan present himself in this? Ans. - In the form of a false christ.
  13. When the National Reform kingdom shall have been formed, and Satan, by this great wonder-working power, shall be transformed into an angel of light, and thus shall come personating Christ, then what will be the universal shout? Ans. - “Christ has come;” “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ.”
  14. Then who will be the king of the National Reform Government?
  15. Is Spiritualism expecting such a new messiah? Ans. - Spiritualism promises a new messiah, and announces his coming “to this very generation.” The World’s Advance Thought is the avant-courier of the new spiritual dispensation, and in its issue of April 5, 1886, says:-

“Another sun of righteousness is called for on earth, and the messenger cannot be far off whose life mission it shall be to practically illustrate the new truths that will be vouchsafed. He will not be a mere racial messiah, nor a half-world messiah, as was the great Nazarene; but steam locomotion and lightning communication, and the harmonizing influences of commercial intercourse, have made a whole-world messiah possible, and such the next one shall be. Though themselves ignorant of the fact, as a body, the great and multiplying army of mediums are his avant-couriers.” “The unanimity of the immortals’ answers may thrill the world with the promise of a new messiah.”

  1. What says infidelity? Ans. — “Now I think I can safely say that if the National Reform movement succeeds, and God will sign and seal his edicts, so that there can be no doubts about their authority, the disbelievers will cheerfully obey them, and if Jesus will come and sit visibly on the throne, where we can see and talk to him, there will be no unbelievers, and all will obey.” — P. F. Shumaker, Flat Creek, La., in a letter to the editor of the American Sentinel, Sept. 17,1887.
  2. What says the National W. C. T. U.? Ans. — “The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, local, State, national and world-wide, has one vital, organic thought, one all-absorbing purpose, one undying enthusiasm, and it is that Christ shall be this world’s king. Yes, verily, this world’s king in its realm of cause and effect; king of its courts, its camps, its commerce; king of its colleges and cloisters; king of its customs and its constitutions.” — Union Signal, December 1, 1887, p. 2.
  3. Taking all these with the other different bodies that now favor the National Reform movement, and how general will be the acceptance of the king of the National Reform government?
  4. What have we found is given to save men from this terrible deception?
  5. Then who alone will refuse to acknowledge the National Reform king? Ans. — Those who receive the love of the truth of the Third Angel’s Message.
