Lesson 14

October 6, 1888.


  1. JUST after what notable working will the Saviour come? 2 Thess. 2:9, 10.
  2. How great will be these signs and wonders? Matt. 24:24.
  3. Why is it they deceive them that perish? 2 Thess. 2:10, last part.
  4. What special manifestation of the truth have we found that there will be just before the coming of the Lord? Rev. 14:9, 14.
  5. Are the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus the truth? Ps. 119:151; John 14:6.
  6. Are the commandments God and the faith of Jesus righteousness? Ps. 219:172; Gal. 5:5, 6.
  7. What is the object of Satan’s deceiving, lying miracles and wonders? Rev. 13:14.
  8. What is the object of the Third Angel’s Message. Ans. - To save men from the worship of the beast and his image.
  9. Then with what will be Satan’s last conflict before the coming of the Lord? Ans. - With the Third Angel’s Message and with those who receive the love of it.
  10. What does this message lead men to do? Rev. 14:12.
  11. In what manner does the second beast of Rev. 13 speak? Verse 11.
  12. What power, and seat, and authority, has the first beast? Verse 2.
  13. What is the great dragon above all? Rev. 12:9.
  14. What then is the source of the dragon spirit?
  15. Through what power did he manifest his wrath when the Saviour was on the earth? Ans. - Pagan Rome. Verses 4, 5; Matt. 2:1, 2, 8, 16; John 18:31; 19:22, 15, 16.
  16. Through what power did he manifest his wrath in the Dark Ages? Ans. - The beast. Rev. 13:2, 5-7 ; 12:14 16 ; Dan. 31:33, 34 ; Matt. 24:21, 22.
  17. Through what power will his wrath be poured out against the last of the church? Ans. - The image of the beast, in association with the beast. Rev. 13:12, 14.
  18. What will specially excite his wrath against the poor remnant in this last effort? Rev. 12:17.
  19. What will the Third Angel’s Message do just at this time? Ans. - It will go to every nation, and people, urging them to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
  20. What is it then that will cause the devil to be so particularly wrathful, and to put forth all his power? Ans. - The Third Angel’s Message.
  21. Which side will get the victory? Rev. 15:2.
