Lesson 11

September 15, 1888.


  1. WHO will be required to worship the beast and his image, and to receive his mark? Rev. 13:12, 15-17.
  2. In opposition to this what does the Third Angel’s Message say? Rev. 14:9, 10.
  3. What are those led to do, who heed the voice of this message?. Rev. 14:12.
  4. What does this show? Ans. — That the powers spoken of in Rev. 13:12-17 will put forth all their strength to compel men to do something that is contrary to the commandments of God.
  5. What have we found was the principal object of the Papacy, in the fourth century? and what is the purpose of the Protestantism of to-day? Ans. - To use the power of the State to compel all people to keep Sunday as the Lord’s day, or Christian Sabbath.
  6. Of what day is Christ the Lord? Mark 2:28.
  7. What day is the Sabbath? EX. 20:10.
  8. Then what day is the Lord’s day?
  9. What does the Lord call the seventh day? Ex. 20:1O; Isa. 58:13.
  10. Is there any commandment of God for keeping Sunday? Ans. — None whatever.
  11. What testimonies can you give on this point from eminent first-day authorities? Ans. — The $500 prize-essay of the American Tract Society acknowledges the “complete silence of the New Testament so far as any explicit command for the Sabbath [Sunday, the first day of the week] or definite rules for its observance are concerned.” — Abiding Sabbath, p. 14. And the $1,000 prize-essay of the American Sunday-school Union says: “Up to the time of Christ’s death, no change had been made in the day.” And, “so far as the record shows, they [the apostles] did not, however, give any explicit command enjoining the abandonment of the seventh-day Sabbath, and its observance on the first day of the week:” — Lord’s Day, pp. 186-188. Note.
  12. What was the single link that in the fourth century united Church and State, which, developed the beast? Ans. — The Sunday institution.
  13. What is the single point in a similar movement in our day which develops only an image to the beast? Ans. — The Sunday institution.
  14. What does the Papacy set forth as the sign of its authority to command men under penalty of sin for disobedience? Ans. — “The very act of changing Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of. … Because by keeping Sunday strictly they acknowledge the church’s power to ordain feasts, and to command them under sin.” — Catechism of the Catholic Christian Instructed.
  15. Then what is the mark of the beast?
  16. To whom do those pay homage who, keep Sunday? Ans. — “The keeping of Sunday is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the Catholic Church.” — Plain Talk about Protestantism.
  17. Then when Protestant churches attempt to compel people by law to keep Sunday, what is that only to do? Ans. — It is only to compel men to worship the Papacy —to worship the beast.
  18. But, as in the very act of doing this these churches make an image to the beast, what then will be the enforced observance of Sunday in this nation? Ans.— It will be the worship of the beast and his image.
  19. But may not Sunday-keeping be enforced as a civil duty? Ans. — Never. Because Sunday is wholly a religious institution; and the civil power has no right to enforce religious duties.
  20. What does Christ demand on this subject? - Matt. 22:21.
  21. By what power was Sunday-keeping instituted? Ans. — The church.
  22. Why were the ancient Sunday laws enacted? Ans. — The church demanded it, and it was done to satisfy and help the church.
  23. Why are Sunday laws now enacted? Ans. — For the same reasons precisely.
  24. Is the church Caesar? Ans. — No.
  25. Is the church God?
  26. Then what follows? Ans. - That as Sunday-keeping belongs neither to Caesar nor to God, there is no power in existence that can, of right, command it.


QUESTION 11. - The student is at liberty to present any other testimonies on this point that he may choose.
