April 7, 1888.

SIDE LIGHTS. - “Great Controversy,” Vol. 1., last part of Chap. 10.

  1. What was the character of Abraham? Gen. 26:5.
  2. Were his early associations favorable to the formation of such a character? Josh. 24:2.
  3. For what reason was Abraham counted righteous? Rom 4:3.
  4. What will true faith do? Gal. 5:6; 1 John 5:4.
  5. What did the Lord do to test Abraham’s faith? Gen. 22:1, 2.
  6. How did Abraham obey? Verse 3.
  7. How long did they travel before they came to the place? Verse 4.
  8. What did Isaac say to his father as they were going together to the place of sacrifice? Verse 7.
  9. What was Abraham’s reply? Verse 8.
  10. When they came to the place what did Abraham do? Verse 9.
  11. How far did he proceed toward slaying Isaac? Verse 10.
  12. How was he prevented from completing the sacrifice? Verses 11, 12.
  13. What did the angel of the Lord say was now proved? Verse 12.
  14. How were Abraham’s words, that God would provide himself a lamb, fulfilled? Verse 13.
  15. What promise did the Lord make because Abraham had done this? Verses 15-18.
  16. What made this a peculiarly strong test of Abraham’s faith. Ans. - Isaac was Abraham’s only son (Gen. 22:2); there was no earthly hope that he could ever have another; and more than all, God had promised that his numerous seed should come through Isaac. Heb. 11:17, 18.
  17. What did Abraham believe that God was able to do? Heb. 11:19.
  18. What did this act prove concerning Abraham’s faith? James 2:21, 22.
  19. What wonderful title did Abraham, thus gain? James 2:23.
  20. Who may share this blessing? Gal. 3
