February 25, 1888.

  1. WHERE did Abraham live when the Lord first appeared to him? Acts 7:2.
  2. What did the Lord say to him? Verse 3.
  3. What promise did the Lord then make to him? Gen. 12:1-3.
  4. What did Abraham then do? Acts. 7:4.
  5. How old was he when he went to the land of Canaan? Ger 12:4,5.
  6. Did he know before he started where he was going? Gen 12:1 ; Acts 7:3.
  7. In thus going from his home, what did he manifest? Heb. 11:8.
  8. What promise did the Lord afterward make him? Gen. 13:14, 15.
  9. To whom besides himself was the promise made? Verse 15.
  10. How numerous did the Lord say that his seed should be? Verse 16.
  11. Had Abraham any children at this time? Gen. 15:2.
  12. What did the Lord again say as to the number of his posterity? Verse 5.
  13. How did Abraham regard the word of the Lord? Verse 6, first clause.
  14. How did God regard Abraham’s faith? Verse 6, last clause.
  15. What is meant by faith being counted for righteousness? Ans.- The forgiveness of sins. See Rom. 4:5-8.
  16. Through whom were the promises confirmed to Abraham? Gal. 3:17.
  17. And who are the promised seed? Gal. 3:29.
  18. What is the inheritance of which they, with him, are heirs? Rom. 4:13.
