February 11, 1888.

SIDE LIGHTS. - “Great Controversy,” Vol. 1 Chap. 7.

  1. When the world became wholly corrupt, what did God determine to do? Gen. 6:13.
  2. What provision did the Lord make for the preservation of righteous Noah? Gen. 6:14, 17, 18.
  3. Had there ever been anything to indicate the possibility of a flood? Gen. 2:5.
  4. In obeying the command of the Lord to make an ark, what grace did Noah manifest? Heb. 11:7.
  5. After the ark was completed, and Noah and his family had gone into it, what wonderful thing took place to convince the people of the truth of what Noah had preached? Gen. 7:7-9.
  6. How long after this before the flood began? Verse 10.
  7. Was it possible then for Noah to do anything more for the people? Verse 16.
  8. How long did it rain? Verse 12.
  9. What besides rain from heaven helped to make the flood? Verse 11.
  10. How extensive was the flood? Verses 17-23 ; 2 Peter 3:6.
  11. How long did the waters remain at their height? Gen. 7:24.
  12. How long did Noah have to remain in the ark? Compare Gen. 7:11 with Gen. 8:13-16.
  13. When Noah came out what did he do? Gen. 8:20.
  14. What did the Lord say about floods in the future? Gen. 9:11.
  15. What pledge did he give to confirm this promise? Verses 12-15.
  16. What peculiar force is there in the expression, “I do set my bow in the cloud?” Rev. 4:3 ; Eze. 1:28.
  17. Then how strong was the assurance that there should never be another universal flood? Ans.- God has pledged his own glory that it shall not be.
  18. Will this earth never be destroyed by any means? 2 Peter 3:10.
  19. What word has decreed this? Verses 5, 7. Ans. - The same word that created the earth in the beginning, and that destroyed it once by a flood.
  20. Why will this destruction take place? Luke 17:26, 27.
  21. What description have we of the wickedness that shall be in the last days? 2 Tim. 3:5-5.
  22. Will the earth be filled with violence as it was before the flood? See verse 3.
  23. Who alone will be saved from the destruction that comes because of this wickedness? Isa. 33:14-17
