January 28, 1888.

SIDE LIGHTS. - “Great Controversy,” Vol. 1 Chap. 5.

  1. What was the name of the first son of Adam and Eve? Gen. 4:1.
  2. What was the name of the second son? Verse 2.
  3. What occupation did each follow?
  4. What offering did Cain bring to the Lord? Verse 3.
  5. What was Abel’s offering? Verse 4, first clause.
  6. How did the Lord regard Abel’s offering? Verse 4, last clause.
  7. How did the Lord regard Cain’s offering? Verse 5.
  8. What made Abel’s offering more acceptable than Cain’s? Heb. 11:4.
  9. What did Abel obtain by his offering? Ib
  10. What was the defect in Cain’s offering? Heb. 9:22.
  11. Then since Cain did not take the proper steps to secure the remission of sins, what lay at his door? Gen 4:7.
  12. Through whose blood alone may remission of sins be obtained? Rom. 3:23-25.
  13. Then since Abel was accepted, in whom must he have had faith? Acts 4:10-12.
  14. What is the highest attainment of faith? Rom. 5:1; 1 John 5:4.
  15. Since Abel was justified, was not his faith in Christ as perfect as ours can be?
  16. What did Cain do to Abel? Gen. 4:8.
  17. Why did he do this? I John 3:11, 12.
  18. Of what scripture was Abel the first to demonstrate the truth? 2 Tim. 3:12.
  19. Is it any wonder if the world hates the righteous? John 15:18-20.
  20. How should the righteous feel when they are persecuted for their faith? Matt. 5:1, 12.
  21. What consolation has the Christian in all tribulation? John 16:33


Angels of God unfolded to Adam and Eve the plan of salvation, consequently their knowledge of it must have been perfect. So Cain and Abel knew how they might obtain righteousness, and peace with God. Abel accepted the conditions in simple faith, “by which he obtained witness that he was righteous.” What this witness was, may be learned from Rom. 8:16 and 1 John 5:9-12.
