March 10, 1888.

  1. WHERE did Abraham dwell when Lot was taken captive? Gen. 14:13.
  2. When he heard of Lot’s misfortune, what did he do? Verse 14.
  3. What success did he have? Verses 15, 16.
  4. Who went out to meet Abraham on his return with the spoil? Verse 17.
  5. Who else met him and brought refreshments? Verse 18, first part.
  6. Who was Melchizedek? Verse 18; Heb. 7:1, 2.
  7. What besides giving him refreshments did Melchizedek do for Abraham? Gen. 14:19.
  8. Which was the greater man, Abraham or Melchizedek? Heb. 7:4, 7.
  9. What did Abraham give to Melchizedek? Gen. 14:20; Heb. 7:4.
  10. What did the king of Sodom say to Abraham? Gen. 14:21.
  11. What reply did Abraham make? Verses 22, 23.
  12. What only did Abraham reserve of the spoil? Verse 24.
  13. What had he taken out before he reserved the portion for the young men who went with him? Verse 20.
  14. Since Abraham said that he would not take so much as a shoe latchet that belonged to the king of Sodom, whose property must he have regarded the tithe which he gave to the priest of the Lord? Lev. 27:30.
  15. Who is our priest? Heb. 4:14.
  16. Of what order is he the priest? Heb. 6:20.
  17. Then ought we not to pay tithes as well as Abraham?
  18. What words of the apostle Paul indicate that our great High Priest should receive tithes of us? Heb. 7:8.
  19. What did Jesus himself say concerning men’s duty to pay tithes? Matt. 23:23.


The paying of tithes was not a Jewish arrangement, nor a ceremonial ordinance. “The tithe is the Lord’s;” and when we pay a tithe of our income into the Lord’s treasury, we simply give him that which is his own. When we withhold the tithe, we rob God of his due. See Mal. 3:8. In the seventh of Hebrews, in showing the superiority of the Melchizedek priesthood to the Levitical priesthood, the apostle shows that in the person of Abraham, Levi himself paid tithes to Melchizedek. Christ is a priest “after the order of Melchizedek,” and so, although we are not under the Levitical priesthood, as Abraham was not, Christ is our priest, “of whom it is witnessed that he liveth,” and he should receive tithe from us.
